Friday, August 28, 2009

TAM Volunteers: ARC schedule needs for September

Hello ARC Volunteers,


We have had a few cancelations and there are still a few open shifts to fill. Here’s an overview of available shifts:


Sunday September 13 and 20                   10:00AM – 1:30PM

Sunday September 6, 13 and 20   1:30PM – 5:00PM


Tuesday September 1                             10:00AM – 1:30PM

Tuesday September 1                             1:30PM – 5:00PM


Thursday September 10, 17 and 24          10:00AM – 1:30PM

Thursday September 17                          1:30PM – 5:00PM


Friday September 4                                10:00AM – 1:30PM

Friday September 4                                1:30PM – 5:00PM


Saturday September 12                           10:00AM – 1:30PM

Saturday September 5 and 26                  1:30PM – 5:00PM



Please let me know if you’re available for any of the above shifts. Send an email to: or just reply to this email. For your convenience, the schedule can also be viewed online. Just move your mouse to this link: ARC Online Calendar and use the arrows, under “Today” to move around for the weeks.


Have a wonderful day… Jurren



Art Resource Center
1701 Pacific Avenue
TacomaWashington 98402

T: 253.272.4258 x3024

Also on Flickr, YouTube, and Twitter
Experience the Glass of Dale Chihuly

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

TAM Volunteers: ARC Shift needs filled this Thursday!

Hello ARC Volunteers-

If you are available, please help us out this Third Thursday, August 20th, from 10 am – 1:30 pm. We had a cancellation and your assistance keeping the doors open on a busy day would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you are able to fill that shift.

Thank you,



Jana Wennstrom

Manager of Education and Audience Development


1701 Pacific Avenue

Tacoma, Washington 98402

T: 253.272.4258 x3030

F: 253.627.1898


Saturday, August 15, 2009

TAM Volunteers: ARC Resource_Center_Calendar - Internet Calendar

Librarian has invited you to add the "Resource_Center_Calendar" Internet Calendar subscription to Microsoft Office Outlook.


You can open this calendar on any computer with a Internet Calendar compatible program installed, such as Microsoft Office Outlook 2007. To view and subscribe to this calendar, copy and paste the following Web address into your Web browser:




Alternatively, you can view this content on the Web at:


If a sign-in dialog box appears, this shared calendar has restricted permissions. To preview or subscribe to the calendar, you need to enroll the e-mail address to which this e-mail message was sent with a Windows Live ID(TM) account.




Hello ARC Volunteers,


Today the ARC Schedule is also online. You can now see all the shifts, which are available at the Microsoft’s Office Online website in your favorite browser.

For users with the version of Outlook 2007, which is part of Microsoft’s Office 2007, you can just click on the “Preview this Calendar” button.


For others just click on this link: ARC Schedule Online.


At the Office Online website you can change the view to a “weekly” view. Unfortunately there’s no “monthly” view, but you can scroll through the weeks with the arrows under “Today” and for months the arrows next to the name of the month.


The default settings for this online calendar are being used. Which means you can have a look at the previous 30 days and for the next 60 days from the date that this calendar is published or updated.


Please let me know if you have any questions, remarks or suggestions. I hope it makes it easier for you to see which shift(s) you have and which are available.


Groeten… Jurren



Art Resource Center
1701 Pacific Avenue
TacomaWashington 98402

T: 253.272.4258 x3024

Also on Flickr, YouTube, and Twitter
Experience the Glass of Dale Chihuly

TAM Volunteers: ARC Schedule needs for September

Hello ARC Volunteers,


The schedule for September has a few changes. First, the museum is closed on Tuesdays, but open on Sundays from 10:00AM to 5:00PM. Losing some shifts on Tuesday but there are some openings now on Sunday morning.


Quite a few shifts need to be filled for September. Please let me know if you are available for any of the following shifts:


Sunday, September 6, 13, 20 and 27               10:00AM – 1:30PM

Sunday, September 6, 13, 20 and 27               1:30PM – 5:00PM



Thursday, September 10 and 24                       10:00AM – 1:30PM

Thursday, September 3 and 17                         1:30PM – 5:00PM


Thursday, September 17th                                  5:00PM – 8:00PM



Saturday, September 12 and 26                       10:00AM – 1:30PM

Saturday, September 5, 12, 19, 26                   1:30PM – 5:00PM



Please send an email to: if you want to fill one of these shifts. Thank you so much!


Groeten… Jurren



Art Resource Center
1701 Pacific Avenue
TacomaWashington 98402

T: 253.272.4258 x3024

Also on Flickr, YouTube, and Twitter
Experience the Glass of Dale Chihuly

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hello ARC Volunteers,


We received a cancellation and because of this we need to fill one August shift. The one is open is the afternoon shift on August 27th, 1:30pm – 5:00pm.


If someone wants to take this one, then please let me know. Send an email to and I’ll update the schedule.   


I’ll be sending out the schedule for September in a few days.


Best regards,





Art Resource Center
1701 Pacific Avenue
TacomaWashington 98402

T: 253.272.4258 x3024

Also on Flickr, YouTube, and Twitter
Experience the Glass of Dale Chihuly


Tuesday, August 04, 2009

TAM Volunteers: Scheduling Process Change

Hello ARC Volunteers-

My call to ARC volunteers for someone willing to do the scheduling has paid off. ARC volunteer, Jurren Bouman, has risen to the challenge so you will be hearing from him regarding shift availabilities starting later this month. Meanwhile, Jurren has written an introduction included below. We hope to make this transition as smooth as possible but please let me know if you have any concerns or questions and I will look at addressing those as we move forward.

Thank you all for the work you do to keep the ARC vital and engaging for our visitors. It could not be done without your commitment and willingness to work so well independently.

Best regards,



Jana Wennstrom

Manager of Education and Audience Development


1701 Pacific Avenue

Tacoma, Washington 98402

T: 253.272.4258 x3030

F: 253.627.1898



Hello ARC Volunteers,


As you all know by now, Jana has increased her job's responsibilities and, when she asked for a volunteer to do the monthly ARC scheduling, I thought that this would be something for me. Because I have not been here that long, I don’t think that everyone knows me, so let me introduce myself. My name is Jurren Bouman and, as you probably suspect, it’s not a real English name. I am Dutch and so from The Netherlands. I emigrated from Holland to the USA on February 14th, 2009. For almost 2 years I have been married to Kim, who is from this area.


In April I started volunteering for the Tacoma Art Museum and I really like to work in the ARC. Doing the scheduling would be a nice opportunity to get into contact with everyone. Speaking about the scheduling, as you know, the museum is closing after September 1st on Tuesdays and on Sundays, starting in September, it will be open from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. This means 2 fewer shifts during the weekdays, but one more during the weekend. If anyone wants to take on an extra shift on Sundays, please let me know. I will be sending out the September scheduling needs about mid-August but you can contact me any time to arrange for shifts or make changes. If you have any questions about scheduling you can always send an email to my private email address, which is:

For urgent matters you can also call me at: (253) 327-4549. You can also still send an email to Jana and she’ll forward them to me.


Groeten.... Jurren