Monday, June 30, 2008

Tacoma Art Museum periodicals guide

Thanks to Loren, we now have a convenient way to search for articles in our magazines. Attached is a guide that has also been copied and put into the manual in the ARC (currently in the front).

Let me know if you have any questions.


Good news: Wendy Shore completed the last of the Artist File entries for the on-line catalog!!! This was a big undertaking so, in addition to thanking Wendy, I also want to extend thanks to Don Romero and Alexandria English for their help on that project as well. I am planning a celebratory lunch some time in August and I will send out details as I am able to put that together.


Thank you all for the amazing things you do for Tacoma Art Museum!!




Jana Wennstrom

Education & Volunteer Coordinator


T: 253.272.4258 x3030

From: Librarian
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 2:09 PM
To: Jana Wennstrom
Subject: periodicals


Attached is a draft of the info to search for articles in the periodicals.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tacoma Art Museum shifts still need filled in July

Hello ARC Volunteers-

There are still several shifts that have absolutely no coverage in July and I am hoping to rectify that. Please help me by filling one of the following shifts:


Saturday, July 5             1:30 – 5 pm

Sunday, July 6               12 – 5 pm

Monday, July 7              1:30 – 5 pm

Monday, July 21            1:30 – 5 pm

Thursday, July 24           5 – 8 pm

Sunday, July 27             12 – 5 pm

Wednesday, July 30       10 am – 1:30 pm

Wednesday, July 30       1:30 – 5 pm


Thank you for all that you do for Tacoma Art Museum.




Jana Wennstrom

Education & Volunteer Coordinator


1701 Pacific Avenue

Tacoma, Washington 98402

T: 253.272.4258 x3030

F: 253.627.1898

Become a Member Today!


Friday, June 20, 2008

Tacoma Art Museum Volunteer Shifts in ARC for July

Hello ARC Volunteers!

Big thanks to those of you have been coming in even during these glorious summer days. They are rare and I appreciate your dedication!

Tacoma Art Museum will be open on July 4, for those of you who may be wondering.

Also, the Tacoma Art Museum has extended its hours during the St John’s Bible exhibition on Thursday evening until 8 pm. Linda Gaines has graciously agreed to fill many of those shifts already but I would appreciate anyone’s help who can take the few that are left (one is posted below).


For the month of July, I need to fill the following shifts:

Mondays, July 7 & 21                1:30 – 5 pm

Wednesday, July 30                   10 am – 1: 30 pm & 1:30 – 5 pm

Thursday, July 24                       5 pm – 8 pm

Friday, July 25                           1:30 – 5 pm

Saturdays, July 12 & 26              10 am – 1:30 pm

Saturdays, July 5, 12, 19 & 26    1:30 – 5 pm

Sundays, July 6, 13 & 27            12 – 5 pm


We anticipate some good crowds during the run of the St John’s Bible exhibition and the ARC will be pointed out to visitors regularly by Visitor Services staff and wall text will direct visitors there as well. We need to be open when the museum is open. If you will not be able to make a shift, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can try to find a replacement. This is our chance to really shine in the ARC and demonstrate how truly useful and valuable a space it is to the museum.


Thank you,



Jana Wennstrom

Education & Volunteer Coordinator


1701 Pacific Avenue

Tacoma, Washington 98402

T: 253.272.4258 x3030

F: 253.627.1898

Become a Member Today!


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

TAM: June 21 training and potluck info

Please see invitation to join in a calligraphy workshop and potluck this weekend.



Jana Wennstrom

Education & Volunteer Coordinator


T: 253.272.4258 x3030

From: Heide Fernandez-Llamazares
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 4:49 PM
To: Jana Wennstrom
Subject: FW: TAM: June 21 potluck info


Feel free to forward to ARC volunteers.


Heide Fernandez-Llamazares

Museum Educator and Docent Coordinator



1701 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, Washington 98402

T: 253.272.4258 x3018

F: 253.627.1898

Also on Flickr, YouTube, and Twitter
Experience the Glass of Dale Chihuly


From: Heide Fernandez-Llamazares
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 4:49 PM
Subject: TAM: June 21 potluck info



Saturday, June 21, 10:00 – 1:30

Calligraphy workshop and Docent Potluck Lunch

Location: Classroom & Balcony

This is a hands-on workshop led by our temporary docent-calligraphers where we will learn about and practice doing calligraphy.

And afterwards, we will have an informal potluck lunch together. More details about lunch closer to the date.


On Saturday, our temporary summer docent-calligraphers will lead us in a hands-on calligraphy workshop from approximately 10 – 12. This will be followed by a potluck lunch on the balcony, weather permitting. Calligraphy supplies will be provided.


You are welcome to bring a partner or any other special person who you would like to meet your fellow docents.


What should you bring?

If your last name begins with:

  • A-H – please bring a side dish
  • I-P – please bring a main dish
  • Q-Z – please bring a dessert  

Tacoma Art Museum will provide refreshments, cutlery, plates, glasses.


Please note that all food should be ready to serve. We will have access to the microwave and fridge (which is usually quite full) on the admin level lunch room for re-heating or other preparations.


Please let me know either way whether or not you can attend, and if you are bringing a guest. (Judi – I know you can’t come.)


Thanks for your time!


Heide Fernandez-Llamazares

Museum Educator and Docent Coordinator



1701 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, Washington 98402

T: 253.272.4258 x3018

F: 253.627.1898

Also on Flickr, YouTube, and Twitter
Experience the Glass of Dale Chihuly


Friday, June 13, 2008

FW: TAM next training: June 17

In case you are interested and available, there is a training next Tuesday for docents (and you!) on upcoming exhibitions.



Jana Wennstrom

Education & Volunteer Coordinator


T: 253.272.4258 x3030


From: Heide Fernandez-Llamazares
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 10:11 AM
Subject: TAM next training: June 17


Reminder: the next docent training is on Tuesday, June 17 from 10:30 – 12:30 in the Event Space. This training is required for all docents, including calligraphers.

If you cannot attend, please let me know in advance (if you have not already done so).



Tues. June 17, 10:30 – 12:30  

Introduction to Illuminating the Word and Janet Cardiff’s Forty Part Motet

Location: Event Space

-          Intro to Illuminating the Word by Tim Ternes from Saint John’s Abbey, Director of Programming and Exhibitions for The Saint John’s Bible

-          Intro and question period to Janet Cardiff by Margaret Bullock 


Thanks for your time!


Heide Fernandez-Llamazares

Museum Educator and Docent Coordinator



1701 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, Washington 98402

T: 253.272.4258 x3018

F: 253.627.1898

Also on Flickr, YouTube, and Twitter
Experience the Glass of Dale Chihuly


Thursday, June 05, 2008

Tacoma Art Museum ARC MEETING NOTES May 22

Hello ARC Volunteers-
Attached is a copy of the meeting notes from May 22 (thank you, Taylor Buck for making this possible!). If you are unable to open them, do not worry as I have made a copy for the ARC binder on the desk. If you see anything that was missed or needs elaboration, please let me know.
Thank you,