Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Tacoma Art Museum ARC shifts for March

Hello ARC Volunteers!

February has had really great coverage and I am hoping to have a full March as well. Here are the open dates for March:

Saturday, March 1, 8 & 15          1:30 – 5 pm

Sunday, March 2, 9 & 30            12 – 5 pm


Here are the dates where a second person could be used on a shift:

Tuesday, March 4, 11, 18, & 25               10 – 1:30 pm & 1:30 – 5 pm

Wednesday, March 5, 12, 19, & 26          10 – 1:30 pm (This shift would be really great to fill, if you are available.)

Friday, March 7, 14, 21, & 28                  1:30 – 5 pm

Virtually all weekend shifts are also open to having someone added.


Thank you for all that you do for Tacoma Art Museum!



Jana Wennstrom

Education & Volunteer Coordinator


1701 Pacific Avenue

Tacoma, Washington 98402

T: 253.272.4258 x3030

F: 253.627.1898

Become a Member Today!


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tacoma Art Museum Special Workshop & Work Party

Hello ARC Volunteers!

In anticipation of Educator Evening, the ARC is getting our children’s book collection ready (we don’t check them out but we don’t mind showing them off) for handling. On Tuesday, March 4 from 2 – 5 pm, we will have Rochelle Monner, former librarian, come in and do a workshop on covering the books with dust jackets and we will have a work party to try and get them all done. If you are willing to join us and learn this valuable ARC skill in the process, please let me know.

Thank you,



Jana Wennstrom

Education & Volunteer Coordinator


1701 Pacific Avenue

Tacoma, Washington 98402

T: 253.272.4258 x3030

F: 253.627.1898

Become a Member Today!


Friday, February 08, 2008

FW: TAM IMPORTANT: training schedule changes

For those of you interested in attending Docent Training for your own edification, I have forwarded this information. Please note that the majority of training is actually attending the public lectures and gallery walk throughs are  generally for docents only as they are more about how to tour a show than background information.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,



From: Heide Fernandez-Llamazares
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2008 12:02 PM
Subject: TAM IMPORTANT: training schedule changes
Importance: High


Please confirm that you have read this email and noted the changes to training dates, to minimize the phone calls that I have to make. Thank You!


We have made some changes to the training dates coming up in February and March.

The reasons for these changes are to spread out the training dates, and condense the required and optional trainings into less trainings. We really want to respect your time.


Please read the following carefully, and update your personal calendars accordingly. If you have any doubts at all, don't hesitate to call or email me!

An updated docent training schedule is also attached.


February 8, 2008 UPDATE:

Ÿ         Training on February 11 and 13, and on March 10 and 12 are cancelled.

Ÿ         There is one new training on March 3 or 5. This will be a Chuck Close walk-through with Rock Hushka, in the galleries. More info below.



Know More Art lecture series: 

Docents are required to attend at least two out of the five Know More Art lectures this spring. However, it is highly recommended that you attend all of the Know More Art lectures, if possible.

The first Know More Art lecture—Renoir: The Man behind the Brush—will be different in content than what Margaret covered at our Renoir walk-through training. It will be a much more detailed look at Renoir's life and career.

For more information on the Know More Art lecture series:



Second Tuesdays programming:

Second Tuesdays feature special programs every month: typically lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on workshops followed by a docent-led tour of an exhibition related to the day's topic.

These programs are highly recommended for docents. You are welcome to come for all or part of the day's events.

For more information on Second Tuesdays:



For the Chuck Close A Couple of Ways of Doing Something exhibition, it is highly recommended that you attend the following programs as training:

Ÿ         Tuesday, February 12, 10:30-11:30 am – Techniques in Printmaking from Renoir to Today (Second Tuesday program)
Printmaker and retired University of Puget Sound Professor of Art History, Bill Colby, shares many of the ways prints are made and demonstrates some printmaking techniques.

Ÿ         Tuesday, March 11, 6-7 pm – Know More Art: Chuck Close: The Man behind the Camera
Rock Hushka will be giving this lecture, and it is highly recommended that you try to attend. I will be emailing some reading materials about Chuck Close's life and career for those of you who cannot make this lecture.

Ÿ         REQUIRED: Monday, March 3, 10:30 am-12:30 pm OR Wednesday, March 5, 5:30-7:30 pm – Chuck Close Exhibition Walk-Through with Rock Hushka
This training is for docents only, and Rock will be walking us through the exhibition. We changed the docent training schedule to add this walk-through instead of a lecture with Rock, because we felt a walk-through would be more useful to you.

Ÿ         March 11, 10:30-11:30 am – Beyond the Snapshot, Modern Photography Techniques (Second Tuesday program)
Steve Davis, photographer and Evergreen College faculty member (and in the Tacoma Art Museum permanent collection—see Telling Stories), presents some of the older and more contemporary techniques of art photography. For those of you who think you need more training on photography, please try to attend this program.

I will send a separate email with the readings for Chuck Close.

I also want to remind you that over the last few years, we have had several exhibitions with significant photography sections and docent training on photography: William B. Post and pictorialism, Frida Kahlo, Paul Strand (and the Stieglitz relationship), Great American Thing (Stieglitz again), Contemporary Photography and the Garden: Deceits and Fantasies (which included several contemporary photographers), and Margaret Bourke-White.


Thanks for your time!



Heide Fernandez-Llamazares

Museum Educator and Docent Coordinator



1701 Pacific Avenue

Tacoma, Washington 98402

T: 253.272.4258 x3018

F: 253.627.1898

Become a Member Today!