Thursday, February 22, 2007

Tacoma Art Museum ARC Meeting Notes

Sorry for the profusion of emails today! Below are the notes from the last ARC meeting on Tuesday, February 13. I would like to note 2 things in particular: Tacoma Art Museum is hosting a party for ARC Volunteers to celebrate the completion of the Artist Files (see date & time below) and a new list of meeting times is also included in this email.


Present:  Andree L., Barbara T., Elodie V., Elsie C., Linda G, Linda M, Marcia B., Nancy W., Ruth K., Sarah C.   Staff:  Stephanie, Jana and Paula


Stephanie updated us on ‘goings on’ around the museum:

  • Attendance is up 15% over goal - annual goal is 75,000 and we’re at 56,000 so far
  • ARC Volunteers are doing a “bang-up job”, especially impressed with the folders Linda Gaines compiled for each artist in the Biennial.  Great job! 
  • We fit in nicely with one of the Museum’s strategies of art literacy or ‘Reading Art’
  • Our space is being used more and more and she complimented us on its appearance
  • The sofa will arrive soon (more on that at a later date)
  • Had a nice piece in the Oregonian on the Biennial
  • Reaction to the Aminah Robinson show was good and the museum has been gifted a piece of her art



Door sign holder is broken.  Keep using it for now, however, Stay tuned and if you have a better idea on signage that invites folks in, let Nancy, Linda or Jana know.


Artist Files:

We have completed the interfiling project!  Congratulations to all who participated and, especially, to Nancy who over-saw the project and kept it going.  She is doing a last sweep through to make sure everything is in the right order.  The party to celebrate will be on March 19 at 1:00.  It will be a catered event in the Classroom and we should all come prepared to Party Hearty! 


We all need to help keep these files current and tidy.  Anytime you need a job there’s material to file:

Articles to be filed in the Artist File are in the grey letter file on top of the green file cabinet

Arist File Interfile Instructions:

  • Take the file OUT of the cabinet
  • Look at what you’re putting in and do NOT keep duplicate material
  • Always tidy up the file folder
  • Re-file correctly

Bring in any articles you see that you think appropriate for these files

  • Make sure you include the source of the article and the date.  Use a pencil if you need to write in this information
  • Then, with a yellow hi-liter, high light the artist’s name (for ease of filing and retrieving)
  • Put this material in the artist’s file (see above for details) OR, if no file exists, put in the basket labeled: Create Artist Files



Our completion goal is end of April.  We will then need to close the library for about a week, re-label all of the Dewey items and re-shelve and shift the collection.  Big job, more later.


Teacher Resources:

Barb T. is in charge of this project and has weeded and returned some materials, and developed a list of new things she thinks we need. 

The material will ultimately be searchable from our database and Barb is including in that record the EALRS (Essential Academic Learning Requirement) that applies to each item as well as the grade level.  Should be really good!

We have a new notebook with ALL of the instructions and forms you need to be able to:  check material in and out, register teachers and make reservations.  It’s on our desk and labeled Educator Resources.  PLEASE, on your next shift, read the instructions and leave a note if you have questions or if the instructions aren’t clear OR if we’ve forgotten something. 


*****Note that the projects in the Open Art Studio have copies of the instructions available at the back of the binders for teachers/visitors to take with them. If the copies run out, you are more than welcome to make copies from the original in the book if it is requested. Thank you!*****


Book sale spending

  • Books:
    • New Reference books - Gordon;s Who’s Who in American Art, Oregon Artists
    • Children’s books – about 10
    • Material we saw at Powell’s on the trip Jana, Nancy, Linda and Rich recently took to Portland to view their museum, talk to their librarian and visit Powell’s. ($341 and about 20 books).  Keep your eye on the New Books shelves as the books will appear there as they emerge from cataloging
  • Furniture:
    • Have ordered a 4-sided kiosk for our space- expect it in about 6-8 weeks
  • Still have about $900 or so left.



Don’t adjust the window blinds.  Staff will come in soon to lower the blinds for the summer.


Review the Educator Resources instructions carefully and let Linda M or Barb T. or Jana know if you have questions.


Mark you calendars:  ARC Volunteer Meetings are schedule on the 2nd Saturday of the odd-numbered months and the 2nd Tuesday of the even-numbered months. All meetings are at 10:00 am.  Specific dates are:

March 10, Saturday                    August 14, Tuesday

April 10, Tuesday                       September 8, Saturday

May 12, Saturday                      October 9, Tuesday

June 12, Tuesday                       November 10, Saturday

July 14, Saturday                       December 11, Tuesday



Jana Wennstrom

Education & Volunteer Coordinator


1701 Pacific Avenue

Tacoma, Washington 98402

T: 253.272.4258 x3030

F: 253.627.1898

Become a Member Today!


Thursday, February 15, 2007

Tacoma Art Museum ARC March Shifts

ARC Volunteers-

Below is a list of open shifts for the ARC. If you are able to take a shift, please let me know. I will be out of town during the week of March 5 – 9. If you need to reach someone regarding your schedule during that time, please contact Paula McArdle at 253.272.4258 x3026 or



Fridays, March 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30             10 am – 1:30 pm

Saturdays, March 10, 24, & 31                10 am – 1:30 pm

Saturdays, March 3, 17, & 31                  1:30 pm – 5 pm

Sundays, March 4, 11, & 25                    12 pm – 5 pm


Jana Wennstrom

Education & Volunteer Coordinator


1701 Pacific Avenue

Tacoma, Washington 98402

T: 253.272.4258 x3030

F: 253.627.1898

Become a Member Today!


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Tacoma Art Museum ARC meeting Tuesday, February 13

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 at 10 am is the next ARC meeting. We hope that many of you are able to attend. Paula McArdle will also be there so this is a good opportunity to express concerns, tell her what you like about the ARC, etc.


On the agenda:  Shelf reading and shelf reading assignments; Discussion of Teacher Resources (I'll have a new, simpler instruction sheet to discuss) and Barbara will probably have some stuff to tell us; Report on our trip to Portland and how we're progressing on spending the Book Sale money; Furniture update; assignment of responsibility for Magazine Check-in and planning for a BIG celebration to commemorate the completion of the Artist File re-do project as well as discussion about the on-going upkeep on this file.


Jana Wennstrom

Education & Volunteer Coordinator


1701 Pacific Avenue

Tacoma, Washington 98402

T: 253.272.4258 x3030

F: 253.627.1898

Become a Member Today!