Friday, September 08, 2006

ARC September meeting

Subject:  ARC September Meeting


ONE of the next 3 meetings is required of ALL ARC volunteers:

            Tuesday, Sept 12 10-12

            Saturday, October 14 10-12 OR

            Thursday, October 19 6-8 pm


Come to any or all of these meetings prepared to discuss the following subjects to help revitalize and renew your enthusiasm as an ARC volunteer:

            With the Artist File project nearing completion what projects are YOU interested in? 

            What specific tasks within the ARC are you willing to work on?  Be responsible for?

            What NEW projects would you like to propose for ARC?

            What kinds of training would you find useful, interesting, and fun?

            Other things we might do to keep you an enthusiastic, committed volunteer.


Hope to see many of you Tuesday and remember: Call Jana to volunteer for a shift during the Book Sale Sept. 22 and 23 or just come to the Tuesday meeting and sign up there.


Your Ad Hoc Committee:  Nancy, Linda & Rich




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