Thursday, August 24, 2006

FW: Reminder for next Tacoma Art Museum ARC Meeting

Please note that the time I sent out previously on this email was incorrect. The time posted should have been 6 – 8 pm. I am sorry about that mistake! I should also mention that the classroom has been booked for this meeting so that you are welcome to bring a snack or eat your dinner.

Thank you,



From: Jana Wennstrom
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 8:13 AM
Subject: Reminder for next Tacoma Art Museum ARC Meeting


ARC Volunteer Meeting  August 31  6-8 pm


It is critical that we you attend this meeting!  We will be discussing the book sale, identifying places to leave the sale fliers, volunteering for specific jobs and shifts and brain-storming to make sure your Ad Hoc Committee isn't forgetting something important! 


Bring any art books you still want to donate, all of the sturdy bags you've accumulated for the sale, and your schedules. 


Remember, the book sale is Sept 22 from 10-5 for volunteers, members and staff and Sept. 23 for the general public.


Your Ad Hoc Committee:  Nancy Waltman, Rich Miller, Linda Martinez





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