Thursday, August 03, 2006

Message to ARC Volunteers

We are cancelling the August 12 ARC Volunteer Meeting and rescheduling this meeting for the evening of August 31 from 6-8 pm.  It is essential that all ARC volunteers attend as our sole topic is the Book Sale to be held September 22 and 23.  The meeting will be held in the Classroom.  We can eat in that room so feel free to bring your sandwich or salad if you need to eat.  We’ll have coffee and tea and water available in the Museum Staff Room.


Come to the August 31 meeting prepared to listen and critique our plans for the sale, volunteer as much time both during sale days and for set-up and commit to the success of this sale.  Bring the sturdy bags you’ve been collecting which will be used to bag the books people buy.  We have a place to store these kinds of supplies and we’ll be able to see how many more we might need.


See YOU there!

Your Ad Hoc Committee

Art Resource Center

Tacoma Art Museum

1701 Pacific Avenue

Tacoma, WA  98402

phone:  253-272-4258 x3024

fax:  253-627-1898




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