ARC Volunteer Meeting July 11, 2006
ARC Volunteer Meeting
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Volunteers: Voicelyn Jackson, Linda Martinez, Rich Miller,
Staff: Stephanie Stebich,
With only 4 volunteers at the meeting we opened with a discussion of the lack of participants in our meetings. Suggestions included: some night and/or dinner meetings or a different kind of agenda. However, we would like each ARC volunteer to let us know what we could do that would make our meetings worth attending. Please write or e-mail any of the Ad Hoc Committee or Jana.
We are requesting that you attend ONE of the following 3 meetings:
Sept (Tuesday Sept 12)
Oct (Saturday Oct.14) OR
Evening meeting, date to be determined
Stephanie shared with us the choices (and costs) of the furniture that was selected with assistance from Museum Trustee Carol Sherpa. Furniture was selected for 4 areas: Balcony, 3rd floor Gallery, ARC and the galleries themselves. Selection criteria included: honor the integrity of the building design but soften its austerity, durability, ability to be used in different settings based on need, and ease of cleaning and cleaning around. Two Red ‘egg’ chairs, and 1 table plus a black leather couch have been identified for the ARC. Finding a source of funding is the next step. You can view the design of the items (the colors in the material are not right) in the folder on the desk. You will hear more regarding acquiring the necessary funding in the next months. Suggestion: that we have a box for contributions to the ARC Furniture Fund at our book sale.
Reading Alcove signage
Needs to be moved to where we now have the children’s books. Jana will take care of it.
Accreditation Questions
Accreditation is reviewed every 10 years. For us that is this year. Stephanie has asked staff to complete each of their part of the review by August. Jana was asked to obtain the ARC component of the review and this she’ll provide to us. There is a more informal Museum Assessment Program (MAP) that was done 2 years ago that is helping Stephanie focus on various needs.
‘Black Book’
People are using the book on the reference desk to leave information and provide continuity. However: please indicate whether you have resolved the problem or if another volunteer needs to follow up. Example: “I need to follow-up” leaves others in doubt as to whether THEY need to do something or not.
Staff Check-Out
Our record book for these has ‘disappeared’ so we’ve made a new one – it’s Blue, not red! However, look in the material you carry back and forth to the Museum, you could have picked up the old book and we’d like to have it back.
New Project for someone
Produce a list of galleries, past and present, in the Seattle/Tacoma area; assign ‘prominence’ to each gallery, etc. The volunteer(s) would need to work closely with Curatorial to make that happen. Interest?
Reference collection
We have rearrangee this collection so that like materials are closer together. We’ll catalog them to KEEP them together. Please take a look at the Reference Collection on your next shift- it will look a bit different than in the past.
Summer Art Camps
The young people have been invited and encouraged to use the ARC so you may get young people (9-12) asking about books on unusual subjects and/or to inspire their projects. Please give them as much help as you can.
Artist Clippings
Rich will go through the 2003 and older magazines in our collection and add a stickie note for articles he thinks should be clipped for our files. Someone else will take another look to make sure we don’t miss something. Also, will need to start some more disciplined searching for articles on our artist. Are you interested in this project? Let Rich, Nancy or Linda know
Filing Rules:
Mc and Mac as first part of last name (this applies to the Artist Files and the Clean Blue Card file) file these BEFORE all other M’s and treat the Mc and Mac prefix as though they are the same! (This is somewhat arbitrary but at least it’s consistent!)
Work Party – July 21, 11 am
We will be able to accept debit and credit cards but that will cost us $25/day. Worth it.
You will be asked to help with this sale. Please do what you can.
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