Monday, April 17, 2006

ARC Meeting Minutes

ARC Volunteer Meeting

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Attending; Barb Trimble, Elsie Claypool, Theresa Larson, Rich Miller and Nancy Waltman


Teacher Resources: A reminder, all checkouts and returns should be noted in the red Staff/Educator checkout book on the desk. If you are unsure of procedure, please leave a note with all pertinent info: teacher name and school, date, call number and your initials. At this time, we are only working with hardcopy. Don't worry about the computer, Linda G. is still working with Ed. on the system. You may contact me or Linda Martinez if you have any questions.


If you have trouble with the computers, the copier or the DVD, the staff person to notify is Lowell Bassett, Exec. Assist. and Admin. Coordinator at ext. 3015. He is very busy and may or may not answer the phone directly. Please leave  a VM.


Again, we are not charging for copies, however, some patrons insist upon paying. Kindly explain that we cannot handle cash in the ARC, but they are welcome to make a donation to the donation box in front of the admissions desk in the lobby.


The permanent collection records have been received from the registrar, Susan L. They are complete and have small color images where available. Vicki Jackson is in the process of organizing and binding them. They will be available at the desk in several alphabetized, indexed volumes.


If you should come across any info on our PNW artists, please bring it in. We will need to organize a clipping system soon. Suggestions are welcome


The Volunteer Art Display is up in the Classroom. Please checkout the work of our talented colleagues.


Important dates: April 19, 5:30 - 7:30pm Volunteer Appreciation Event.

                                April 27, 10:00am, new volunteer training. However, if you have not been making any     

                                meetings and need some updates, please, drop in that Thursday.         


Thank you,

Nancy Waltman



Jana Wennstrom

Education Assistant


1701 Pacific Avenue

Tacoma, Washington 98402

T: 253.272.4258 x3030

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