ARC Meeting Minutes from 2/11/06
Volunteer Meeting
February 11, 2006
Highlights from this Meeting:
Present: Nancy, Linda M., Teresa, Wendy, Turan, Leslie Kincaid
Artist Files – Going well, we’re in the ‘Fs’! ACTION:
If you are doing artist files and have not talked with
If you’re not doing artist files but would like to – contact Nancy or Linda and they’ll get you started.
If you’d just like a simple task – we could use help getting the Tyvek envelopes ready for the Artist File folks – contact Nancy or Linda.
Cataloging – Linda has started without help from UW fieldworkers, hope for one in the spring.
Exhibitions – Please see the copied information on the volunteer desk. It’s best to know something about each exhibit because people will ask you.
• The Great American Thing - we have the Object Labels list
• Chihuly “Gifts from the Sea’ - article by M. Kangas
• ‘Deceits and Fantasies’. – A Resource for Educators
Reference Training:
Answering Questions regarding the Value of Art:
1 Make sure you have the correct name of the artist
• In Reference Section – Use the Dictionary of Art, material in the R 703 for Contemporary American Art and/or R 703.97 for Pacific NW Artists (Don’t know where the reference section is? - check for it or ask Linda, Nancy or Rich to show you)
2 Determine where artist works (geographical location), the genre, artist living or dead, etc.
3 Go on-line and either look for appraisers ( ; are two good ones) or Google appropriately: i.e. appraisers fine arts. Follow up from there.
Remember: we can suggest approaches to our patrons but they need to do the work.
ACTION: Nancy (and Linda) will create a Word document that will contain suggestions for web sites and reference materials that could be useful.
Answer questions about Past exhibitions:
1 There is an icon ‘Exhibitions 1980-2005’ on the PC desktop. Open that document
2 Use the Find command (under Edit) to look for a word or artist in the exhibition.
3 When you find the right exhibit note its date.
4 Materials relating to past exhibits are located in the two left-hand drawers in the desk in the back office. They’re filed chronologically.
5 We may also have cataloged materials if there was a book published for the exhibit. Check the card catalog.
Leslie Kincaid – Director of Development discussed:
Designated gifts: Development is committed to honoring the desires of the donors wishing to designate a particular ‘area’ for their funds i.e. exhibits, programming for special populations, ARC., etc. Cash Gifts - In writing, the donor must indicate the designated ‘area’. This can be done on either the check or the pledge form
In-kind gifts such as books, supplies, etc. – recognized at 50% of the value of the gift
Reminder: Gift forms filed in ARC volunteer desk -Donation Forms
Project budget. We need to have one for ARC and work with Paula to construct it. Then, when monies are received they can be directed to the appropriate project. The project planning can contain a ‘wish list’ for ARC that could be used by donors for designations.
Paula and the Ad Hoc Committee need to meet and develop the list, plan for the future.
The proceeds from our up-coming book sale will be designated for ARC and we need to have a plan for their use.
Grants: these are facilitated through Development Dept. If an ARC volunteer wrote a grant to pursue funding, Devo would support us (unless they were already working with a particular agency, etc.)
Upcoming Meetings: From now on the meetings will be primarily aimed at training and solving problems encountered by volunteers. Feel free to suggest a topic, a puzzle or a complaint. We’ll use them as training opportunities.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 14 at 10:00 AM. See you there.
Jana Wennstrom
Education Assistant
T: 253.272.4258 x3030
F: 253.627.1898
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