Wednesday, May 17, 2006

ARC Volunteer Meeting Tuesday, May 9, 2006

ARC Volunteer Meeting

Tuesday, May 9, 2006


Attending:  AnneMarie Adkins, Linda Gaines, Voicelyn Jackson, Linda Martinez, Rich Miller, Jeff Shafton, Elodie Vandervert, Nancy Waltman.  Jana and Paula joined us during the meeting.


Bellingham/LaConner trip: Nancy updated us on the trip and shared the books and materials she’d purchased at the Museum of Northwest Art.  These will be cataloged for our collection.  The Western Washington University Outdoor Sculpture garden has a website tour that might interest volunteers.  At the Museum Nancy was interested in the book of biographies of all of the artists in their permanent collection (an idea for us?) and they, too, have a good website. 


Artist Files:  Continuing – we’re through the Ks but need more volunteers.  AnneMarie stepped up and Nancy will train her.  Anyone else interested? 


Archives:  No one is currently doing these.  Elodie volunteered and will work with Linda M to begin working on those files.


Schedules:  Jana was asked to keep 2 months’ of schedules at the desk – will do.


Permanent Collection ListingSusan Lewandowski, Registrar, has provided a list of all artists in the TAM Permanent Collection.  These were printed, one artist per page, and many (about half) include thumbnail images of the actual works.  This list was produced from Susan’s files which are arranged alphabetically by artist’ first name! The Registrar’s office arranged the pages in alphabetical order by last name (thanks). Vicki has put the pages in notebooks, produced labels and has been working to produce a file that we can use as an index to each book.  When finished the books will be cataloged and placed in the Reference area.  Will be a great help to us all.


Book Sale:  The collection has been weeded and dates have been set for the book sale – September 22 & 23!!!!!!!!!  The first day of the sale will (probably) be for volunteers and members only and then opened to the public the next day.  Between now and then we have to clean up the books and prepare for the sale.  Our first work day is scheduled 10-5 on June 16 and June 17.  Volunteers can come in any time during those hours so, please volunteer as much time as you can.  Also, if you or your friends have art or architecture books you’d like to donate, please bring them in.  All proceeds will be designated for ARC book purchases.


Next Meeting:  Scheduled for Saturday, June 10 is cancelled.  Instead, we’ll see you on June 16 and/or 17 to work on preparing for the book sale.


Linda Martinez




Jana Wennstrom

Education Assistant


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