Friday, July 07, 2006

ARC Meeting July 11

ARC Volunteer Meeting

Tuesday, July 11, 10-12 am


Please try to make this meeting if you've not attended one in a while.  It's difficult to keep up with what's going on if you don't hear our discussions.





     Stephanie Stebich (Museum Director) will discuss furniture in the ARC


Book Sale - September 22-23

       Work Party - schedule 2-3 volunteers for one more short work party (11 people participated in the last one and accomplished an amazing amount of work)

        Job Assignments - Need to start gathering the people and times to work the sale

        REMEMBER, if you or your friends have art books for the sale; bring them in as soon as possible!


Artist Files

       Could use 1-2 more volunteers for this project

       Filing rules for the Artist Files and the 'Clean Blue Card' files



     We'll investigate some of the more obscure reference tools

      Using these tools we'll each try to find a biography for one of our Artist's file that does not contain a biography.



Jana Wennstrom

Education Assistant


1701 Pacific Avenue

Tacoma, Washington 98402

T: 253.272.4258 x3030

F: 253.627.1898

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