Thursday, December 11, 2008

TAM Docents: Welcome to your new Docent Space!

Hello ARC Volunteers-

I sent the email below out to docents this evening and I wanted you to be aware of the change as well. We will be welcoming the docents more into our ARC space. I hope that this change will make sense for both groups (and it will allow us to increase our attendance in a very regular way!). As with the docents, I would appreciate being informed if you have any questions or concerns regarding this arrangement.

Thank you!



Jana Wennstrom
Volunteer Programs Coordinator
T: 253.272.4258 x3030




From: Jana Wennstrom
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 5:24 PM
Subject: TAM Docents: Welcome to your new Docent Space!


Hello Docents-

We have found a more permanent solution in regards to your docent desk space as we want you to have room to work and access to what you need. We have made some space in the ARC office for the docent materials and you will have access to the space for writing your notes. After some consideration and discussion, we felt it made perfect sense to combine your needs with the space of the ARC. After working with both groups, I have also come to realize that some of the materials we have had available at both locations is a bit redundant so I am hoping to combine the resources where it makes sense to allow for other opportunities within the docent program. If an ARC volunteer is not available during your shift, the key will be available through Security or you can ask for a key at the front desk. For the safety of the ARC’s materials, we ask that you lock up if a volunteer is not there when you leave. I hope that you will still feel welcome to spend time on the Admin level even with this move as you are more than welcome – this move in no way suggests otherwise. There is also a desk at the corner as you turn to go to the break room on the Admin level that is still set up to accommodate volunteer usage should you so desire. My hope is that with regular visits to the ARC, you will find ever more resources to enhance your time here as docents. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding this arrangement.

Thank you for all that you do for Tacoma Art Museum!



P.S. I should have your new training schedule ready to send out tomorrow.


Jana Wennstrom

Volunteer Programs Coordinator


1701 Pacific Avenue

Tacoma, Washington 98402

T: 253.272.4258 x3030

F: 253.627.1898


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