Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Project and Task List

At our meeting in October the Ad Hoc committee presented the following list of projects and tasks that need to be accomplished in the ARC.  Everyone was asked to indicate which project and task within a project you would be interested in performing (if you had adequate training).  We didn't get responses from everyone there nor, of course, from those unable to attend.  So, please take a look at the list and let us know your interests, even if you haven’t been through your general orientation yet.  Respond to Linda (lindamartinez@earthlink.net) by November 9. 



Linda, Nancy & Rich (your Ad Hoc Committee)


ARC Primary Responsibilities


•      Collection Maintenance     

o          Ongoing shelf reading     

o          Weeding texts, pulling cards     

o          Repair, process books     

o          Reference materials     

o          Rare books     

o          Book sale


•      Artist Files     

o          Pull files from three current systems     

o          Sort and clean contents, add bios as needed     

o          Label new Tyvek EPS and add contents     

o          Verify or create cards as needed     

o          Maintain files, adding in materials as acquired


•      Cataloging Project     

o          Pull Dewey books, cards     

o          Copy publication info     

o          Reclassify     

o          Enter data on-line     

o          Upgrade card catalog, shelf list     

o          Clean, repair, relabel books     

o          Re-shelve as LC


•      Exhibition Displays     

o          Anticipate acquisition of exhibit catalogs, relative publications     

o          Change out signage     

o          Arrange displays Magazines,


•      Gallery Museum Catalogs


•      Children's Books 


•      Archives - A comprehensive, chronological ordering of TAM history, exhibits and personalities

o          Organize new file system     

o          Clean, sort, label files     

o          Research, add-in missing info     



Jana Wennstrom

Education Assistant


T: 253.272.4258 x3030



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